Young Royals season 3: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, where to watch?

If you’re a fan of addictive teen dramas with a royal twist, then you’re in luck! The hugely popular Swedish series, Young Royals, is gearing up for its highly anticipated Young Royals season 3. Set in an elite boarding school, the show follows the journey of a young prince named Wilhelm as he navigates the highs and lows of love, friendship, and royal responsibility. In this blog post, we’ll give you all the details you need to know about Young Royals season 3, including the release date, cast, plot, trailer, and where to watch. So, grab your popcorn and let’s dive in!

Young Royals season 3 Release Date?

Young Royals season 3

One of the burning questions on fans’ minds is when they can expect the release of Young Royals season 3. The good news is that filming for the upcoming season has already begun, which means we won’t have to wait too long for our favorite characters to grace our screens once again. While an official release date has not been announced yet, based on previous seasons, we can speculate that Young Royals season 3 will likely drop on Netflix sometime in November 2023. So, mark your calendars and get ready for more royal drama!

Cast of Young Royals season 3?

Young Royals season 3

The talented cast of Young Royals is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the show’s success. Fans have fallen in love with the charming and relatable characters brought to life by a group of exceptionally talented actors. While the complete cast for season 3 has not been confirmed, we can expect to see familiar faces reprising their roles. Edvin Ryding, who plays Prince Wilhelm, will undoubtedly continue to captivate audiences with his heartfelt performance. Additionally, we can anticipate appearances from the beloved cast members of the previous seasons, including Omar Rudberg as Simon, Frida Argento as Felice, and Malte Gårdinger as August. With such a talented ensemble, we’re sure season 3 will be just as compelling as its predecessors.

Young Royals season 3 Plot?

Young Royals season 3

Season 2 of Young Royals left us with several cliffhangers and unanswered questions, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next installment. While the exact plot details of season 3 have been kept under wraps, we can expect the story to continue exploring the complex dynamics of Wilhelm’s life. Season 2 ended with Wilhelm’s secret romance with Simon being exposed, prompting a deeper exploration of their relationship and the challenges they face. As Wilhelm navigates his royal duties and personal desires, we can anticipate an engaging narrative that delves into themes of love, self-discovery, and the pressures of royalty. Brace yourselves for an emotional rollercoaster!

Young Royals season 3 Trailer?

While we anxiously wait for the release of Young Royals season 3, you might be wondering if there’s a trailer to give us a sneak peek into what’s in store. As of now, an official trailer has not been released. However, keep an eye on Netflix’s official platforms and the Young Royals social media accounts for any updates. When the trailer finally drops, expect it to be filled with intense moments, emotional exchanges, and glimpses of the captivating performances that make the show so addictive. Until then, we’ll have to satisfy our curiosity with anticipation and speculation.

Where to Watch Young Royals season 3?

Now that we know the release date, cast, and a glimpse of the plot, the next question is where can we watch Young Royals season 3? Well, the answer is simple – Netflix! As one of the leading streaming platforms, Netflix has been the home of Young Royals since its inception. So, whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the series, you won’t have to go searching far and wide. Simply log into your Netflix account and get ready to indulge in all the drama, romance, and intrigue that Young Royals has to offer.


Young Royals season 3 promises to be a thrilling continuation of the beloved Swedish series. With a talented cast, intriguing plotlines, and the emotional rollercoaster we’ve come to expect, fans are eagerly counting down the days until its release. While we don’t have an official release date or trailer just yet, the anticipation is building, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for Prince Wilhelm and his entourage. In the meantime, mark your calendars, catch up on previous seasons, and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Young Royals season 3. Grab your popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and prepare for a binge-watching session fit for royalty!

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