Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166: Recap, Release Date, Time, Spoilers, where to read?

Chapters of Four Knights of the Apocalypse set great expectations for fans patiently waiting for the next chapter, and in the same way, Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 will be a turning point of the story. In this chapter, the tension between characters and the threats that lay ahead are definitely going to be amplified than before. In this blog post, you will find the recap of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 165 as well as the predicted date and time of release of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166, possible spoilers that might influence one’s perception about the next chapter, and the website on which one can read the new manga. If you are a series fan who has made the conscious decision to follow this show closely or a newcomer to the show with no idea what has just happened, this recap will be of great value to you in getting ready for the next big thing in this grand story.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 165 Recap?

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 165 revolves closely around Percival and his comrades in this manga, who are going to confront powerful adversaries in the Knight of Chaos, Pellegarde. The chapter starts with the fourth Knight of the Apocalypse. Gawain comes to defend Isolde while she is surrounded by fierce fighting. Pellegarde seeking Percival comes to Liones, where their fight triggers intense flames throughout the ground. As for magic, Pellegarde offers it, knowing that Percival has his grandfather’s advice when he swears to “cut down evil” and defend the loved ones. He challenges Pellegarde himself and tries to duel for her magic in an attempt to use his magic to dispel her massive fireball. Yet again the flames become too intense, and Percival has to look for inspiration.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166
Credits: IMDb

He finally creates a magical spell that will make the wing catch and contain the flames, but the intensity increases as Pellegarde attacks back more fiercely. Again, the fight is at the climax where Pellegarde is likely to defeat Green เก бли, Gawain interferes, and by means of Golden Magic he stops the fire and brings a little bit of order. It is during this moment that the reader gets to see the muscles and sinews that next present a basis for future strife. Tristan also comes in fighting the opponent and challenges Gawain to explain why he left the castle. This is cut short by the return of the main antagonist, Pellegarde, making the dialogue more serious. The chapter ends up with buildup to reveal as Lance finally comes in, adding another twist to the actual fight that is going on. The show’s tensions occur between the characters, implying hidden themes and character arcs, providing hope that the special’s story is about to reach a turning point. In total, Chapter 165 is a powerful teaser for the future fights and other twists and turns in this story’s continuation.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 Release Date and Time?

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 is to be published on October 16, 2024, at Korean standard time 12:00 AM. This timing translates to various time zones as follows: 

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166
Credits: Netflix
  • Pacific Standard Time: October 15, 2024, 8:00 am
  • Central European Time: October 15, 2024, 5:00 pm
  • Indian Standard Time: October 15, 2024, 8:30 pm
  • Philippines Standard Time: October 15, 2024, 11:00 pm
  • Singapore Standard Time: October 15, 2024, 11:00 pm
  • Japanese Standard Time: October 16, 2024, 12:00 am

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Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 Spoilers?

The Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 will also indicate the teams that comprised the tournament, indicating that there will be fierce competition between the final sixteen teams. Thus, each a match may reveal peculiar aspects of character relations and skills, which desperately needs to be tested. After the revelations made in Chapter 165, the primary focus will be on the additional information about lost memories of Tristan and his stated identity issue of being Tantris will be explained. It shall also give a human face to this character adding an emotional touch on him and may probably affect his dancing in subsequent matches. Looking forward to intense conversation between Percival, Gawain, Isolde and many others provided they were rehearsing for their respective battles. They will bring the players together and also create a rivalry that could be useful in the tournament because it gets created before the tournament.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166
Credits: Otaku USA Magazine

This is expected to come back in Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 as Percival and his friends possibly face a renewed foe in Pellegarde. They have engaged him before and it will seem that he has the same capacity as them, meaning that he will bring in surprises during the tournament. Again, it will be impossible to write about them completely without reference to magic, as has been seen in the previous chapters. It would be possible to come through with new spells or techniques that could change strength between competitors and or supplement strategies in the battles. It may also suggest bigger battles brewing, which may include the conflict between King Arthur and other powers within the story. It is important to establish the foreshadowing that will make the reader suspend a thought about what is in store for Percival and his friends.

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 where to read?

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166
Credits: Anime Trending

Currently, Kodansha, as the official publisher, allows you to read Four Knights of the Apocalypse online. You can find the newest chapters on their website or application. More officially, you can read Four Knights of the Apocalypse in Pocket. It has a friendly user interface that also enables fans to follow other follow-ups with ease.


Finally, what can be said about Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166—it is expected to continue the theme, revealing the continuation on October 16, 2024. As the last sixteen participants get ready for the competition, the show promises to deliver exciting levels of competition along with plot development mainly concerning the protagonist’s psychological turmoil, namely, the homosexual protagonist’s crisis of identity. The Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 opens a story of fabulous action and passion, putting into play a denouement of events in the series. As for those intrigued to read the newest installment, it will be released on, for instance, Kodansha and Pocket for fans from across the globe. So, be prepared for the fact that, as a rule, it reads spoilers and topic discussions within the community to be able to enjoy the developing drama to the maximum. For a hardcore fan, as well as for someone who has recently decided to embark on this adventure, Four Knights of the Apocalypse Chapter 166 is ready to compose striking scenes that will be remembered by the readers when the chapter is out.

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