Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92: Recap, Release Date, Time, Spoilers, where to read?

The next chapter of the famous BL manhwa Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92, is expected to come out shortly. Due to the intense actions in Chapter 91 when Euihyun disappears and Taeju tries his best to save him, the audience is interested in the further development of the plot about the two male characters. Recall in the previous chapter that Euihyun was kidnapped by some individuals who noticed that the latter was crucial to Taeju. Now, Taeju is earnestly trying to bargain release money from Euihyun’s father, and he wants Euihyun to be released.

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 91 Recap?

In the previous chapter of the narco BL manhwa Low Tide in Twilight, the plot evolves as Euihyun is abducted by people who understand his significance to Taeju. Today, Taeju is struggling to make the kidnappers release Euihyun and give her back to their daughter.

The last scene of the chapter saw Taeju driving through the night to save Euihyun when the kidnappers wanted him to pay more money, having noted the importance of Euihyun to Taeju. The audience wants to know what will happen next and how Taeju, as the CEO and richest man in the country, will use his money and power to free Euihyun from kidnappers.

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92
CC: Escapist Magazine

The blend of the dangerous situation between North and South is even becoming complicated in Euihyun and Taeju’s relationship, and readers can expect more twists in the following chapter as to how Euihyun and Taeju take their complicated love-hate relationship to a different level. Low Tide in Twilight has many surprises in its plot, so Chapter 91 is also expected to have a lot of surprising elements in the rescue operation scenes.

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 Release Date and Time?

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 will be released on the 4th July, 2024. From the Source with the latest update, the release date of Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 has been established. Low Tide in Twilight is a recently licensed manhwa series that revolve around the life of of Kim Euihyun a man who wants to die. Nonetheless, a man named Taeju saves him from the edge of a river and proposes to give Euihyun money and a house, as well as a job to get out of the problematic situation. Fans of the series can look forward to the release of Chapter 92 on July 4, 2024, with the chapter expected to be available at the following times:

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92
CC: We Got This Covered
  • Pacific Time: 10:30 AM
  • Mountain Time: 9:30 AM
  • Central Time: 8:30 AM
  • Eastern Time: 6:30 AM
  • Greenwich Mean Time: 4:30 PM
  • British Summer Time: 3:30 PM
  • Central Daylight Time: 02:30 AM 

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 Spoilers?

Ever since Taeju saves him from the waterline Euihyun has been able to start afresh with the help of Taeju who offers him money, a place to live, and a job. However, the series has not directly said it but suggested that Taeju is not as innocent as he seems to be and is possibly “drunk on Euihyun’s scent”.

What readers can probably look forward to in Chapter 92 of The World of Men is a continuation of the development of the relationship between Euihyub and Taeju as the latter struggles to come to terms with his raper’s actions as well as Euihyun begins to learn how to live a new life. The chapter may look at what Taeju is really after, though he presents a picture of a caring and generous man to Euihyun.

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92
CC: Escapist Magazine

Besides, the chapter may reveal more about the main ideas and the events of Euihyun’s life, which could have led him to the desire to commit suicide before he was saved. Of course, fans will be waiting to see if Euihyun is going to find a way to live after that and with the help of Taeju whether or not their relationship will become complicated.

In this regard, Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 is expected to mark a significant moment in the storyline of the Low Tide in Twilight manga, as the presented dynamic of the main characters and their interaction remain further elaborated.

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 where to read?

Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92
CC: We Got This Covered

The WEBTOON of Lee Been and Lezhin Comics is the home available for reading Low Tide in Twilight translated in English. Some chapters can only be accessed with coins that must be bought with real money, while registering on the website of Readers. For the Korean readers, the Low Tide in Twilight can be read in Bomtoon platform. As for the official and recommendable way to read Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92, it is through the paid platforms of Lezhin Comics for English and Bomtoon for Korean since they pay the creators. Sites for unofficial scanlations should not be visited. As for the price, the buyer pays several dollars for one chapter or pays several tens of dollars for the whole series on Lezhin Comics or Bomtoon. In the two platforms, the first chapter of a series is often available for free to give the readers a feel of the whole series.


Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 is eagerly awaited by fans of the interesting BL manhwa series. In the next chapter, Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92, the storyline of the two men, Euihyun and Taeju, will remain rather ambiguous as Euihyun tries to move on with his new life after the rescue which was provided by Taeju. It is strongly for players and readers to read more of the evolving relationship between the two main characters, Taeju and Euihyun and looking at the possibility of Taeju’s motive behind all those acts and Euihyun’s past. The legal and appropriate way to read Low Tide in Twilight Chapter 92 is through the paid application Lezhin Comics for English version readers or Bomtoon for the Korean readers as these sites compensate for the creators. For those who don’t want to purchase the chapter, there might be official scanlation sites that host it for free, but these sites are also unreliable and probably illegal. As it stands the series has entered its third season and given that Chapter 92 touches on an expectation of the Low Tide in Twilight series, it can be strongly presumed that this chapter will help in defining the twist and turn of the series from this point on. Audiences can be excited on what new hardships the two characters of Euihyun And Taeju will encounter on the next episodes of the show.

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