Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65: Release Date, Spoilers, Raw Scans, where to read?

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 is widely anticipated by fans, expecting to see the obscure twist in the line of the adrenaline rush produced by this ice-edge series. Nevertheless, the specific timing of the exposing of this chapter is still undetermined, although pessimists should wait for the same exhilarating storyline and the uncovering of key plot points. With the estimated or fair approximation time narrowing the ground, it becomes really available for users to get their hands on leaked raw scan images and spoilers that show them what to expect and what surprises are in store for them later on. To read this Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 and to be a part of this “Bucket List of the Dead” fan base, I would recommend fanatics to frequently check the VIZ Media manga platforms for having their details so as to not miss out on any of the exciting chapters.

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 64 Recap?

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 64
CC: IGN India

The Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 64 is an adrenaline-filled part that comes to the next portion of the Akira’s and his friend’s lives which are now ruined by a zombie apocalypse. In this line, the surviving members of “the group” view a rocket launch at Kagoshima Space Center which however fails to pacify them because zombies interfere with their plans of a very significant achievement, and this destroys everything if not interrupted. Even though they will do everything that they can to foil the plans, high turn of events makes Akira and his friends faced with a hard dilemma. They must crystalize between the suggestive milestone or risk the other route. The final section leaves the characters in a dicey position, creating a countdown-clock feel that keeps vying readers anticipating the coming episode of this compelling series.

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 Release Date?

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65
CC: Digital Spy

Great news for fans of the zombie apocalypse comedy manga, “Zom 100: Check out “Fishermen had been sitting there,” the guide breathed. Buckle up because Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 is set to be released on April 18, 2024, at 12:00 AM PT (Pacific Time) will be fully open to the public, allowing all visitors to enjoy the cultural diversity and richness that this event brings to our community. The newest segment eased out the anxiety in the viewers as he availed a closure pertaining to Akira and the poor people’s welfare. Regardless of that, the forthcoming part twists the plot and assails the crewmen with something more deadly and unusual: space zombies. Seem yourself in horror of a cosmic scenario at which zombies from Earth have invaded a space station. There they will be challenged (and probably, even though it’s terrifying, be bringing a lot of hilarity) next.

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 Spoilers?

Avoiding spoilers is key to enjoying a new chapter, but here’s a veiled hint about what to expect in Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65: Avoiding spoilers is key to enjoying a new chapter, but here’s a veiled hint about what to expect in Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65:

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65
CC: Crunchyroll
  • Space Station Surprise: Things get worse for the crew when they reach the International Space Station but discover it is filled with deceased people.
  • Undead in Orbit: Welp, get ready for a new kind of zombie threat the kind that’s not been tied to instincts; they’re airborne now!
  • Hope or Despair: Would the team be able to escape the unwanted paranormal zed-force and stay alive in space or accept their deaths?

Here is only a drop from the ocean of delight that is in store. To keep from the spoilers, which may temper your overall impression, attend the releasing of Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65.

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 Raw Scans?

If I could, sure, but I can share information about scans or content that is copyrighted only. Publishers who supply scans or make a link to these commits copyright infringements. Here’s a breakdown of why it’s important to wait for the official release:

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65
CC: Screen Rant
  • Supporting the Creators: Taking manga from official publication services will be a tribute to the labor spent by the author and artist. This gives them the opportunity to let you see more of their creativity that they want to share with you via this project.
  • High-Quality Experience: Authorized version provides the finest digitization’s by utilizing the correct texts, translations and lettering – these affirm everything and everything you need to get the best out of your reading.

Alternative Options:

  • Official Release: I also put that Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 has been scheduled for release on April 18th, 2024, in the beginning of this utterance. The Viz media platform holds the content legal for a month only and you can find it on the legitimate place after that.
  • Community Discussions: This issue will certainly induce fan theories and discussions online to be executed after the chapter has been released officially. Being part of these conversations, you can express your feelings and emotional side of a super bowl game with other fans.

Through the project be put off even until the official version release, you in fact will help the creators, enjoy the best reading, and avoid spoilers. I hope this helps! Feel free to check with me anytime in case you have any other questions regarding making the official release of Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65.

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 where to read?

Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65
CC: Hindustan Times

Now, to read the Bucket List of the Dead Chapter 65 manga, and experience the new releases, the fans have a unique opportunity to visit only VIZ Media‘s site. Moreover, via VIZ Media manga app, fans can enjoy a convenient with reading e-books in handheld devices as well. In addition, other famous manga reading platforms, namely, Manga Plus, do not have the manga in their libraries as of the moment. Visiting VIZ Media’s website or using their app, the viewer can have a thorough experience of their favorite “Bucket List of the Dead” and go through the zombie-swarming world with protagonist Akira and other friends to execute their 100-task survival plan before the dreadful event breaks out.


Getting teased of the space station spaces and brushing off other dangerous threats might already excite you, but this should be only a warning to not read the raw scans. It is important that you wait for the release and thus, you not only support the creators, but you also get a quality experience, and you could avoid being spoiled. The new avatar is never late so catching the first episode by streaming it on your favorite official manga platform. Watch Akira and the crew fighting a new kind of zombie apocalypse: an alien one. On top of that, don’t forget that the discussion isn’t the only thing. Write down your predictions and share them with pleasure in the comment box below. Let’s go over with our story heroes what adventure and amazing moments they will face in an immense space!

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