Astro Royale Chapter 10: Recap, Release Date, Time, Expected Plot, where to read?

The interesting space opera that has fans hooked across the globe, Astro Royale, is likely to bring you its much-anticipated Astro Royale Chapter 10. The book takes the readers on a new and even more exciting space adventure because the characters will be facing new challenges, political, futuristic progress and some character’s problems. The present guide covers the basic features of Astro Royale Chapter 10 including its release date and time, spoilers, and the source for the new chapter.

Astro Royale Chapter 9 Recap?

Astro Royale Chapter 10

Finally, the chapter prior to this one concluded with Hibaru and Kinpa in a rather dangerous position, with both Kuran and Terasu under the dominion of the Ghost Thieves. Kinpa Yobana was introduced earlier after Hibaru got acquainted with her in the haunted mansion and learnt that she was looking for stolen products for her neighbor. This interesting and dynamic twist led the fans to look forward to the occurrences in the Chapter 9. Astro Royale has always remained synonymous with both the pure action as well as depth of characterization. It is quite presumptuous to make an assumption on the plot development of chapter nine; however, the best prediction would be that it asserts the various interpersonal connections and development of the leading characters. Hibaru the leader and the brave, Terasu strong and persistent and Kuran loyalty and that are characteristic that has been built up from episode one. The entry of Kinpa offered one more complexity to the plot so complicating the relations and introducing changes to the group. The battle between Carvans and Nagnis has been triumphant but Hibaru’s growth from a determined but novice leader to a competent one is a process that has been observed by readers. His relationships with Kinpa, as well as the period of confrontation with the Ghost Thieves, will also be an important aspect that will reveal the changes that have occurred with him and his maturity. It is worthwhile to get more detail about Kinpa Yobana’s history and her interactions with Hibaru because of the position she regained. Her Astro is called Crystal Clear Compact and it is a weapon, and its strength is necessary in the following fight.

Astro Royale Chapter 10 Release Date and Time?

Astro Royale Chapter 10
CC: TierraGamer

Astro Royale Chapter 10 will be out on Monday June 24, 2024, at 12 AM JST in the 30th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. Nevertheless, because of intersecting time zones, a large number of global audiences will be able to read the chapter one day earlier, the Sunday of June 23, 2024. Here are the release times for Astro Royale Chapter 10 across different time zones:

Time ZonesRelease Date & Time
Pacific Daylight TimeSunday, June 23, 8 AM
Eastern Daylight TimeSunday, June 23, 11 AM
Greenwich Mean TimeSunday, June 23, 3 PM
Central European TimeSunday, June 23, 4 PM
Indian Standard TimeSunday, June 23, 8:30 PM
Philippine Standard TimeSunday, June 23, 11 PM
Japanese Standard TimeMonday, June 23, 12 AM
Australian Central Standard TimeMonday, June 23, 12:30 AM
Astro Royale Chapter 10 Release Date and Time

Astro Royale Chapter 10 Expected Plot?

Astro Royale Chapter 10
CC: Beebom

Astro Royale Chapter 10 may probably be about the working partnership of Kinpa and Hibaru to deal with the Ghost Thieves. Kinpa plays the role of ‘strategist’ and knowing all the traps in the mansion will enable him/her to make the right decision in case there is one. Another character motivation will be Hibaru’s refusal to lose his friends as it might make him go to the extreme to defeat Ghost Thieves, no matter the cost for which he would even have to experiment the limits of Astro powers. Focus on the relationship between Kinpa and Hibaru along with the Astrogist powers will be seen in the next chapter. Many fans would be looking forward to the rare battle with the Ghost Thieves in Astro Royale Chapter 10 since it was highly promised to be the come back of the series. The previous chapter suggested that these antagonists are rather sinister and mysterious and readers will be interested in how Hibaru and Kinpa will address this task. The conflict promises to be rather spirited, including the Ghost Thieves’ new Astro powers and the protagonists reciprocating with their own powers. This confrontation will, in turn, affect the main plot, and it may open new directions and set new problems for the characters. Chapter 9 may have only introduced Kinpa Yobana, but it has intrigued the readers and Chapter 10 may probably explained the true origin of Kinpa Yobana and her full Astro abilities if any.

Astro Royale Chapter 10 where to read?

Astro Royale Chapter 10

To read all chapter of Astro Royale including the chapter 10 readers can pay for a subscription in the application Shonen Jump+ or on the website of the VIZ Media. These platforms provide various levels of subscription that can be monthly, yearly, or any recording breaking time. The series is launched on VIZ Media’s website where you can read new chapters for free but for more chapters, you would have to subscribe.


Astro Royale Chapter 10 is much expected as the fans expect to get a sequel of the series that has thrilled them to the point of wanting more. As for the next version of this serial, one can expect even more of the action, characters’ personalities, and artistry, which has been characteristic of the Astro Royale manga. The upcoming chapter is planned to be released on June 24, 2024, while the international fans will be able to read the chapter a bit ahead of the release thus, the fans of the Astro Royale space opera are getting ready for another interesting chapter in this unputdownable sci-fi series. It is suggested to the readers that more emphasis will be placed on Hibaru and Kinpa’s actions to face with Ghost Thieves, more information about Kinpa and his powers and the evolving relationships within Yotsugiri family. Even if one does not have prior knowledge of the Astro Royale manga, Astro Royale Chapter 10 is indeed an exciting read for all mystery lovers, character enthusiasts, and aesthetics lovers. Hibaru and his friends’ journey remains interesting, and the next chapter is expected to raise the question of the next episode in this enthralling storyline.

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